Frequently Asked Questions


What is a Home Inspection?

A standard home inspection is a visual examination of the physical structure and major interior systems of a residential building, consisting of one to four dwelling units. An inspection can be like a physical exam by a physician; however, it should be clearly understood that a home inspection is not to be confused with an appraisal, a building code inspection, a guarantee of any kind, and/or an insurance policy on the condition of the property.

During an inspection, the inspector will review the readily accessible exposed portions of the structure of the home, including the roof, the attic, walls, ceilings, floors, windows, doors, basement, and foundation as well as the heating/air conditioning systems, interior plumbing and electrical systems for potential problems.

Home inspections are not intended to point out every small problem or any invisible or latent defect in a home. Most minor or cosmetic flaws, for example, should be apparent to the buyer without the aid of a professional.

The home inspection company that is retained should welcome the potential buyer’s presence at the home inspection. The home inspector should be willing to address all of the buyer’s questions and provide verbal communication and a written report.

Those hiring an inspector should expect an open door policy from the home inspection company to be able to ask questions about the content of the home inspection report in the future.


Why do I need a Home Inspection? 

If you are a prospective buyer, you can feel confident making an informed decision about one of biggest investment you may ever make. Our inspection does more than just help with present conditions; it also builds a foundation of knowledge about your next home and its systems. Equipped with home-inspection information, you stand a far better chance of protecting your investment and increasing its worth over time.

If you are a seller our inspection will give you a marketing advantage and ability to identify problems that could other wise stall the sale. Even if repairs are required, the inspector’s independent recommendations could help speed up the sale. You could have the concerns addressed or offer a discount to make the deal work. You are in control.


Can a Home Pass or Fail an Inspection? 

NO. The inspection is an examination into current conditions of the home. It is not an appraisal or code inspection. The report will describe its condition and indicate which items may need minor or major repairs or replacement. Thus giving you an educated birds eye view of the home your purchasing.

Milestone Home Inspection, working for you.